Monday, July 7, 2014

In Which the Author Moves!

Dear Reader,

I am trying Wordpress now and it seems to give a little better flexibility and frequency for when I post. Hopefully, I can keep it up!

Here it is!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

In Which The Author Graduates But Returns To School


Life has been busy again. 

What else has happened? 

1. Dancin' at Disneyland
2. Writing an awesome papers about polymers in pointe shoes 
3. Learning how to manage my own time in research and how to decide what to do next 
4. Graduating! 
5. Finding out that I finished strong with a 4.0 my last semester 
6. Picture Day with Dance Fam
7. Starting my TAship for Summer Session I
8. Sister's graduation! 
9. Dance Recital! 
10. Dealing with students
11. Learning how to relax
12. Buying a violin 
13. Teaching students how not to plagiarize 
14. Loving on a dear friend who's losing a loved one
15. Celebrating with a dear friend on the birth of her firstborn son! 
16. Catching cheating students
17. First Violin Lesson
18. Grading Lab Reports Galore
19. Mourning with my dear friend on the loss of her loved one
20. This moment.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In Which There Is A List

Dear Reader,

It has been several months since my last post and there is good reason for this. The last two months have been a bit chaotic, but not without a certain amount of revelations, realizations and enjoyment. To keep this short and sweet as I really do not have time for this tonight or really any other night for the next month or so, I will be compiling a list of exciting, difficult, stressful, incredible, life-changing and defining moments. Most likely I will elaborate on certain items more than others and hopefully have time later to write in detail about certain events, but for now, this will suffice:

1. BioPhysical Society Meeting in SF with Professor T.(Green Leader) and the gang. “Meet between the ferns!”
2. Getting accepted to three wonderful universities.  
3. Getting rejected by two incredible universities.
4. TAing for the second time
5. “Hanging out” (?) with a guy, getting to know him and then mutually deciding not to continue. “The pursuit is off. The game is…not afoot.” Only the awkward remains…something to work on
6. Reliving certain anniversaries that bring sadness
7. Continuing to love this whole carpooling thing…we have the best conversations
8. Visiting two great universities…
9. Turning 23
10. Making the decision…what a night of misery
11. The morning after…still sick to my stomach
12. That moment when you tell your research advisor you’re staying and he’s speechless (good speechless of course)
13. The wonderful feeling of telling everyone you’re staying
14. The panic that comes to get you soon after
15. Being paralyzed because “I’m not cut out for this. It’s not a question of if, but when I’ll fail”
16. Coming out of the funk
17. Writing a paper that will be published
18. Learning how to live at peace with people (especially when you aren’t too happy with them)
19. Getting another carpool buddy – the anxiety and the relief when you find out that you can handle spending time alone together and it’s not too awkward
20. Talking to prospective students
21. Eternal grading – O that smell of carbon copies!
22. Good books
23. and bad books
24. Dancing with joy
25. Choreographing with sister
26. Anticipating dancing at Disneyland
27. Realizing I can do this grad school thing
28. Playing 2048 LHC – the science version
29. Basically quitting two of my jobs – yay for only five jobs!
30.  Visiting Clorox today with PI and wonderful grad student.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of what I’ve been doing, but it’s a start.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

In which the Author Reads

I am slightly behind my book count for this year (only 4 books read) and completely behind on my promised book reviews. Here I will talk about two books. One I read in the first week. The other I just finished yesterday but started the second week of January. You’ll see why when you read it. J

1. The First Book 

This book is the sequel to the hilarious “Surviving the Applewhites”. It continues the story of how Jake, the delinquent adjusts living in his chaotic foster family. In this story, they realize that the small proceeds from the previous adventure (a Sound of Music production) are very rapidly decreasing. While brainstorming, they decide on a summer camp complete with a very selective application process. While Edie, the family organizer/planner details the entire affair to the last minute, everything that can go awry, does indeed do so. Mayhem and merriment ensue and we are left wondering, can they even get through the first day?

Recommendation: Read the first book first! Other than the inaccurate depiction of pointe shoes on the cover, this book is a great read-a-loud or option for a fun, no-thought-required book.  8/10

2. Second Book

After hearing about the book and watching the movie trailer, I ordered the book, wanting to know what all the hype was about and also to read the book before the movie. The book is always better than the movie.
It did not disappoint. Told from the perspective of Death, a sympathetic character, this story is filled with tragedy and hope, all infused with imagery of colors and emotions. The insight into a child’s mind, the careful selection arrangement of the words like a bride’s bouquet, the story of love and friendship in a time that hatred and suffering have always thought to have conquered. Every line is thought-out and makes you want to draw it on canvas and frame it. You can feel the end coming and even through that, hope flies. It carries the story to the bittersweet end. You are left with the feeling of been through half a lifetime in those few hours spent reading these words. I love how the words are arranged: with vignettes for special meaning, memories or facts that call to be accentuated. 

Just look at these excerpts and tell me that you don’t want to read more: 

“I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.”

“He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world.

She was the book thief without the words.

“Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like rain.”

“Usually we walk around constantly believing ourselves. "I'm okay" we say. "I'm alright". But sometimes the truth arrives on you and you can't get it off. That's when you realize that sometimes it isn't even an answer--it's a question. Even now, I wonder how much of my life is convinced.”

“So much good, so much evil. Just add water.”'

”A small fact:
You are going to die....does this worry you?”

"There were stars," he said. "They burned my eyes.”

A small Summary of this masterpiece: 

“It’s a small story really, about, among other things:

* A girl
* Some words
* An accordionist
* Some fanatical Germans
* A Jewish fist fighter
* And quite a lot of thievery”

Recommendation: Read it! And then again! 15/10

Sunday, January 19, 2014

In Which there are Goals Part II

Dear Reader,

Yes, I have not been consistent. This will probably continue.
I have many events to record though, from the past week or so, thus there might be a slight increase in posts. I have filled up with family time, begun my last semester of my undergraduate career and received some exciting news which will most likely inspire several later posts.

For now, back to creating goals!

1. What is one specific area of progress you’d like to see this year in your financial health?

No more debt! And a healthy savings account.
I can now proudly say that I got through college without any loans. I am on a payment plan for this semester, but I just need about $1,500 more pay it all off!

2. How is your current income? In what ways can you make this increase?

My current income will be drastically different next semester. I’m not worried. Grad school will more than double my current income. And TA stipends are not exactly luxurious, so that tells you something. ;)

3. How much debt do you have? In what ways can you eliminate a sizeable portion of it (or all of it) this year?

None! This will most likely change as I move out, etc.

4. How is your savings account? In what ways can you save more money this year?

Fairly good. School has pretty much cleaned me out, but I’ll build it back up. I just have to be careful with buying books. It’s my one weakness.*

1. What is one specific area of progress you’d like to see this year in your financial health?

Once,  I have a steady income, I want to create a budget. I’m so excited for this. It makes my nerdy heart happy already to think of the lists and spreadsheets I will be able to make.

6. Are you giving regularly? If not, in what way can you give financially this year?

I’ve given quite a bit for two years now and God has seen fit to bless me incredibly with this. I give mostly where I see need, specifically with people I know, so I don’t see this changing. However, I would like to continue sponsoring a child through Amazima. (great ministry, btw!)

7. What is your plan this month for starting progress towards better financial health?

No plan, except spend little and save much.

1. In what ways would you like to grow in your relationships outside the family?

I would like to intentionally connect with friends that I don’t see that often. Phone calls, texts and Skype can make this possible.

With people I see more often, I want to be intentional about listening to them and putting people first even before grades. I tried this last semester and I think it really works.

2. What are some ways you can be of service to your immediate community?

Honestly, I know I will be stretched very thin this semester. And I have no idea what next semester will bring. So summer it is. Perhaps I can do some volunteering.

3. Who are some specific people in your life that can use some encouragement? What will you do to encourage them this year?

No names. I need to create code names for some people.  But yes, there are people that I want to pour into because they have helped and supported and encouraged me so much.

4. Who are some people in your life that you admire? What are some practical ways you can positively use their influence in your life?

Some excellent professors, some grad students that are friends, and some others. See above why they are amazing. I think to use their influence, I need to keep these connections strong and not let them weaken or disappear simply because I don’t see them as often.

And there you have it! Some excellent goals which I have already failed at. But there are new mercies every morning and Hallelujah for that!

*Guess that reference!